
As someone who has run a full-time clinic for over a decade and works with therapists and body-workers across the country, I truly understand the challenges you encounter in your practice. I'm here to be your backup, offering support and guidance to help you along the way. In this program you can opt for per session or month, where we can address any concerns you have, clarify your vision and goals, and work together to enhance your practice.

Konnected Therapists

Qi Gong for Massage Therapists & Bodyworkers - It’s a 6 week mentored program called Konnected Therapists. With ongoing support for 12 months. A structure that provides the glue to join everything together as an individual and professional. Integrating your bodywork tools, linking connection and energy development as a practitioner into a connected way of being. Move into a self-sufficient position of resource and ease. If this is you - get in touch to find out if its right for you

Online Qi Gong & Meditation Studio

This Online Qi Gong studio is a resource for you, it's a restorative hub and an anchor to ground and get back to base when you need it. Qi Gong is about intimacy with the breath and body, it’s you healing you.

Resilience & Stress Management Program

Resilience & Stress Management Program equips people with skills to develop effective stress management, enhance emotional well-being, and bolster adaptability. Learn techniques for coping with challenges, improving mental health, and boosting productivity. Completing the course helps overcome burnout, anxiety, and reduced work performance, fostering healthier and more resilient people and organisations.