What People Say

"I'm finding it really helpful in my own body as well as having an epiphany around what I do for my clients unlocking the energy" - (Jess)

“Brooke has a high level of fine motor movement. A depth of Chinese Medicine knowledge, as well as being a very caring man and fortunate in having excellent training. An ability to deliver energetic treatments leaving clients grounded and relaxed” – (Steven)

“By the final week of my second pregnancy my body had decided to pack it in, I was in so much pain I could barely walk as nerves were being pressed and muscles tightening in response. I was completely ready to have my baby and my midwives and doctor had given the all clear to try and get labour started. I had walked and walked until I literally couldn’t anymore! But nothing! I went to Brooke hoping that he would be able to at least make the last leg of my pregnancy bearable by releasing some muscle tension. I kind of jokingly thought about how he might know how to get labour started. The session I had was amazing, it was so healing and the time I had to myself let me focus on the little baby I was about to welcome. And even more amazing was the work Brooke did to encourage the little one to get moving! I could feel the baby, and my body, responding instantly to his gentle massage and therapy techniques. I knew things were about to get interesting! My baby was very considerate and let me have one more long night sleep before being born 24 hours after my session with Brooke. Other than the session miraculously beginning my labour, the physical manipulation meant I was free of nerve pain and could be mobile during labour. And it was just so amazingly peaceful! That hour of calm will always be a part of my son’s birth story. He came into the world so peacefully; as I’m sure he revelled in Brooke’s treatment as much as I did!” - (Lucy)

“I commenced training for an Ironman 70.3, with large volumes of high impact training I developed a range of issues involving muscles, joints and ligaments. I was referred to Brooke Allen at his clinic and began fortnightly treatments with incredible success. Four weeks out from the Ironman event I experienced a flare up of a previous injury along with mental fatigue resulting from an increase in training volume. I began weekly treatments with Brooke, again with remarkable success. I cannot recommend Brooke highly enough, in particular his professionalism and ability to provide a personalised service that focused on my very specific needs. On the 11h December I completed the Ironman! Throughout the event I felt physically and mentally stronger than I ever have before. I am incredibly grateful to Brooke for the pivotal role he played in not only getting me to the start line but most importantly across the finish line! Regular treatments with Brooke will continue to be an essential part of my Ironman training.” - (Anna)

“I was born with Spondolythesis being the movement of one vertebra that moves away from the spine. I have a separation between L4 and L5 that causes pressure on my nerves, instability of my muscles, and at times, spasms of pain. I get all sorts of “problems and pains” all over my body just through leading a normal life and maintaining a fairly strict body movement. I train at the gym three times a week, and I am a dancer.  I experience pain close to 100% of my total body, but some sections are more painful than others. I was lucky enough to receive treatment from Brooke five years ago. And from the first treatment I knew I had found the pot of gold that the rainbow promises, that is in musculoskeletal care, and in both energetic and emotional stabilisation – much needed after my marriage break up. Brooke also heals my accidental muscular “rips and pulls” without me having to revert to drugs or injections. Brooke provides me with a flexible treatment consisting of so many methods and modalities that he rolls up and disguises as one treatment! Every treatment I receive is unique and custom made on day; and is accompanied by a very compassionate, mentally focused, and emotionally balanced person. Thank you Brooke, you are simply the best!” - (Colette)

“Brooke was recommended to me by a colleague of mine who had been receiving regular Massage treatment. I was in search of a holistic treatment for my stress related migraines and also heal my body which I was putting through some tests of endurance with long distance running. I sought Massage treatment from Brooke as I have had received treatment in this modality from other practitioners on the mainland with positive results. In the year or more that I received treatment from Brooke. What I liked about the service and so did my body in it’s healthy recovery from coming to Brooke, was that the treatment practice orientation was authentic to the philosophy of; ‘the treatment to be led by what the body needs and not what the practitioner believes or the client believes’. This orientation requires wisdom, discipline, years of practice and ongoing awareness in the power of using the energy for healing and I found Brooke offers it. True testimony to this was evident when my 10 year old dog suffering from early onset of spinal fusion began to steal some healing touches from Brooke when I wasn’t looking. I tried to repeat the same movements for him, and six months later his Vet is amazed that he is still alive and walking. All I can say is – Energy is powerful and healing” - (Prathiba & Saxon)

“I have been a client for 6 years.  The treatment Brooke provides is holistic and starts from the inside out.  The treatments were unlike any other Massage therapy I had received in the past as Brooke would assess me on the day and use a combination of techniques to help my situation depending on what my body needed. I have experienced Shiatsu Massage, Remedial Massage, Thai Massage, Cupping, relaxation and meditation techniques.  I have been comfortable and impressed with the treatment, and as a health practitioner myself, I have been delighted to be able to refer my clients to Brooke to receive this multi-approach to Massage therapy and relaxation.” - (Jess)


“My husband Craig and I have been seeing Brooke for almost 10 years. We both have enjoyed wonderful therapeutic benefits from our monthly treatments, and it still amazes me how relaxed and rejuvenated we feel afterwards. We have been so fortunate to have found Brooke and count ourselves very lucky that he has made his home in Tasmania. Brooke has the knowledge and ability to zone in and tune into your body and give you exactly what is needed, he is totally professional, welcoming and gentle and I cannot recommend his treatments highly enough. His dedication to his patients and their wellbeing is undeniable. Thank you Brooke.”  - (Craig & Karen)

“I was referred to Brooke for Massage to address jaw, neck and shoulder tension, the bi-products of prolonged stress and anxiety. During the time I received treatment from Brooke, I found him to be very thorough in his assessment, and clear in his explanation of connections between physical symptoms and possible underlying emotional causes. Brooke’s Massage treatments coupled with recommended dietary changes and strategies I could personally implement helped me to manage not only muscle tension but also digestive problems I had been experiencing for years. The treatments and conversations we had also assisted me to view my condition more holistically and make lifestyle changes to support the work done with Brooke. Brooke’s gentle and respectful approach to the consultation and assessment process, the sensitivity and encouragement he offers, and the general ambience of the treatment space make for a calming and edifying experience.”  - (Martine)

“I saw Brooke to receive treatment for a long standing hip joint problem.  Brooke was able to assist with this using Massage & Oriental Therapies. I was extremely pleased with the improvement both in the hip and general flexibility of other joints. It is a tremendously relaxing and comfortable treatment.  I would recommend it it to all ages.”  - (Lorraine)

 “About 9 months ago my sister died suddenly. Apart from obviously grieving for her my body was feeling very stiff and sore. I contacted my Osteopath to ask for a recommendation for a masseur. He suggested Brooke. After a Massage I saw Brooke for some treatment, which helped release emotion. I was sceptical but felt I had nothing to lose so I booked in to see Brooke. He described the treatment as Acupuncture without the needles. I would also say it is like that, but also a good whole body “workout” as well. I started having regular treatments with Brooke (about fortnightly). At some treatments I had “Cupping” as well. Brooke checked how I was feeling before and after each treatment. In between and during treatments there were many tears but not uncontrollable outbursts. After a few months Brooke suggested I see his Master – Master Liu De Ming who was visiting Hobart. I was lucky to have a one on one treatment lasting about 30 minutes. Not many words were said, he asked why I was there and I said my sister had died. He said “much sadness and grief” and I just cried (probably for most of the treatment)! I felt good when I left this treatment but woke several days later in pain (or stiffness) all over my body (particularly my throat and neck and shoulders). Apparently this was to be expected! I tried walking to release some of this pain but it didn’t help! In my treatment this was probably the most difficult point. I saw Brooke a couple of weeks later and he helped to moderate this pain. I have continued to see Brooke regularly (about every 3 or 4 weeks). Throughout my treatment I have released lots of emotions (including the deaths of my Dad many years ago, my Mum and close work mate more recently). Progressively, I have been feeling more at peace and more “in control” of my emotions (not by suppressing them but by dealing with them). I have also felt much healthier in myself. For many months my “default” emotion was sad – I could function well at work when I needed to put on “the happy face” but when not required I felt sad. I now feel that my default emotion is happy. I know I could never have made such progress so quickly in my personal journey without the help of Brooke. Many thanks to Brooke”.   - (Lucy)

“I just wanted to say thank you to Brooke for fitting me in yesterday AND for ‘fixing me’. I feel so much better today, and last night I slept the soundest that I’ve slept in weeks. What a difference a day makes! Thanks again, and looking forward to my follow-up appointment”.  - (Sarah)

“I moved to a new workplace and found the toll on my body was unforgiving. I was taking tablets daily to alleviate pain. A work colleague suggested I visit Brooke for a Massage treatment. I went in with pain and came out pain free that night. Since that day I have continued on with treatments and the change in my body and overall feeling of well-being has been amazing! I am mostly pain free, able to cope better, have more energy, able to push my body further and also having improved sleep. I am totally wrapped with what Brooke has achieved for me! In addition, I have been attending Qigong classes to assist my body further in conjunction with my treatments. The stretching in class is great and I am working on my flexibility and relaxation/coordination at the same time. Thank you Brooke!” - Claire)

“When receiving regular Massage treatments I found that my energy levels lifted, I was sleeping well, and I did not seem to suffer the aches and pains that had been part of life in the past. The positive effect of having Massage & Oriental Therapy treatments has been very much reinforced as my situation has changed and I no longer live in Hobart, and once again I am finding myself lower in energy and with disturbed sleep, and carrying a lot more tension and stress in my body than what I have for a long time. All up with Brooke’s treatments I am just a happier person.” - (Ali)

“I have been very fortunate to have received Massage treatments from Brooke over the last 10 years.  He has taken particular care with the details of my injury, the resultant chronic pain and what I have been experiencing prior to my visits to him.  I did not expect to experience such an increased sense of well-being in general and the degree of pain relief following treatment. Cupping has also provided tremendous relief from the very painful symptoms of fibromyalgia and enabled me to be pain free following treatments with Brooke.  Over the 18 years I have lived with the effects of the injury I have tried many treatments and approaches for chronic pain.  Massage and Cupping treatments are two of the most successful options for me. It has been of enormous benefit to me to have discovered these options which have greatly improved the quality of life I am able to enjoy now.” - (Rose)